Data Calculator Instructions


Basic Information
Entering an Equation
Datasets with Time Series Layers
Map and Data Controls


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Basic Information

Data Calculator allows a user to execute algebraic and logical expressions/equations over any number of the gridded datasets in the system on the fly and display results in a form of map and histogram and/or download these results as an ASCII data (AAIGrid format). The calculations are performed on the grid cell level over the map extends chosen by a user in the main window.

"Equation" input form-
The equation has to be entered in this  input form and it can contain basic and advanced mathematical functions, conditional operators explained below in the Operators section. A set of special instructions could be used to control the calculation results and graphical design of the result visualization by the map and the histogram. This instructions are accessible via fold-out menus named Map Options, Data Options, and Color Options.

"Integral" input form-
An equation entered in this input form is integrated over map extent area in per km2 units. Integration is performed only over pixels/area where integration equation returns a real number and skips pixels where any involved in the integration dataset has nodata value (-9999) or the equation return "illegal operation" result such as division by zero, etc.  The integration results are displayed as a text in the histogram area of the calculation results graphics.


Entering an Equation

Equation has to present a valid mathematical and/or logical expression that contain a combination of variables and operators. In the case of this Calculator variables are numerical gridded datasets as the calculations are applied to each of their grid cells/pixels. Dataset notations (symbols) cold be found in the Dataset Table which are usually grouped by theme and accessible radio button switches. For the user convenience, mouse clicking on the symbols in the Dataset Table automatically enters them to the active Equation or Integral input line at the active caret position. This ensures that the symbol is not misspelled as it is also case sensitive. Of course, a user can type in dataset symbols directly. For example, a very simple calculation to convert elevation from meter to kilometer units could be done by this equation Elev/1000 where symbol "Elev" represents the elevation dataset.



Alrthmetic Operators-

Operator Action Example
+ Addition Elev + 10
- Subtraction Elev - Bath
* Multiplication Elev * 100
/ Division Elev / 1000
** Power Elev ** 2
% Modulus Elev % 1000

Logical Operators-

Operator Action Example
> Greater than Elev > 1000
>= Greater than or Equal to Elev >= 1000
< Less than Elev < 1000
<= Less than or Equal to Elev <= 1000
== Equal to CNTRYMSK == 236
!= Not equal to CNTRYMSK != 236
&& Logical "and" (CNTRYMSK == 236) && (Lon > -140)
|| Logical "or" (CNTRYMSK == 236) || (CNTRYMSK == 40)
? : If then else (Elev < 500) ? Elev : -9999

Mathematical Functions-

Function Action Example
log() Natural logarithm log(Elev)
log10() Base 10 logarithm log10(Elev/1000)
exp() Exponent exp(Elev)
sqrt() Square root sqrt(Elev)
abs() Absolute value abs(Bath)
pi Trigonometric constant pi (Lon/180)*pi
Trigonometric functions All trigonometric functions sin(Lat/180*pi)
POSIX functions Some commonly used numeric functions floor(Elev/1000)


Datasets with Time Series Layers

Single Layer Referencing-
Datasets with Time Series Layers (TSL) are indicated by a star (*) symbol in the Data Table. Each layer can be a accessed via TSL identifier in a form {YYYY-MM-DD}. For example, a difference in Sea Surface Temperature between two dates (summer and winter) could be calculated by this equation-

SST{2007-07-15} - SST{2007-12-15}
a). In the case of this equation a user can enhance resulting map color range by setting  Map Options -> Min = -10 and Map Options -> Max = 20. It is also recommended to use global map extend.

If no TSL identifier is provided for a given time series dataset than the latest (last) data layer is used in the equation, e.g. equation

(SST * 1.8) + 32

converts sea surface temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit for the latest data layer in SST dataset. And if a user want to do the same for some specific date, say November 12, 2007 then it could be done with this formula-

(SST{2007-11-12} * 1.8) + 32

Range of Layers Referencing-
A syntax to call a range of Time Series Layers (TSL) is provided by a double dot operator in the form of {YYYY-MM-DD..YYYY-MM-DD} where the first data has to be earlier than the second date after the double dot operator. The double dot operator returns an array of layers so that array functions could be used on them (such as min(), max(), average(), sum(), map(), etc.). For example, a number of days with precipitable atmosphere moisture over 100 mm in the month of July, 2007 could be calculated with this equation-

sum( map($_>50, PrecipN{2007-07-01..2007-07-31}) )
a). Attention- Symbol $_ used in this equation references each element in the array PrecipN{2007-07-01..2007-07-31} by the map() function.
In the case of this equation a user can enhance resulting map color range by setting  Map Options -> Min = 1 and Map Options -> Max = 15. It is also recommended to use global map extend.
c). Caution- Avoid to use equations that require too many data layers to be called (31 data layers are called in this example) as it might take a longer time to perform this computation.

Time Series Layer Types-
Different time series types are referenced by their specific form of referencing indicated in the table below-

Time Series Type Syntax Example
Daily {YYYY-MM-DD} DataDD{2007-11-12} - Nov 12, 2007
Daily Climatology {0000-MM-DD} DataDC{0000-07-04} - Jul 4 climatology
Monthly {YYYY-MM-00} DataMD{2007-01-00} - Jan, 2007
Monthly Climatology {0000-MM-00} DataMC{0000-10-00} - Oct climatology
Yearly {YYYY-00-00} DataYD{2006-00-00} - 2006
Yearly climatology {0000-00-00}, useless as it is a single layer DataYC - long term averrage

The logic of the date syntax is that it is the same format for all (XXXX-XX-XX) where zeroes denote something that is not available as, say, days in the monthly datasets.


Map and Data Controls

Map Options Tab-
It has two controls-

  1. Set Range inputs- Sets min and max range for the resulting calculations. Sometimes it could be used to cut out outliers from the results which enhances the colors for the map and histogram. Example that shows lowlands with elevation between 0 and 300 m,

    Map Options -> Min = 0 and Map Options -> Max = 300
  2. Use Log Scale checkbox- Displays results in a logarithmic scale. It is very useful to display calculator resulting datasets in a log scale if the data range lays within multiple orders of magnitude across map pixels. For example, population increase between year 2015 and 1990-

    Pop15 - Pop90 (use for both Equation and Integral inputs; use map in Global extent)
    Map Options -> Use Log Scale = checked

    The results show an average increase of 15.3 people/km2 and total increase (result of integration) of 2.7 billion people in Global extent.

Data Options Tab-
It has three controls-

  1. Ignore Illegal Math checkbox (checked by default)- It converts grid cell values to nodata value (-9999) where equation returns illegal mathematical operation codes such as division by zero, logarithm or square root of negative number, etc. If it is unchecked and an illegal math occurs in any grid cell/pixel the Calculator return an error for the whole dataset.
  2. High Resolution Interpolation checkbox- The system uses a higher data resolution of data for the map extent (640x480 grid cells) instead of the default values of 320x240 grid cells. The higher resolution might take some longer time to complete the calculations, but can result in more details on the map.
  3. Get Results as Data checkbox- The resulting dataset is returned as a ASCII Unicode data file in AAIGrid format for download or display as it is de facto the most common non-binary (text) gridded data format around.

Color Options Tab-
It has only one control at this time-

  1. Legend radio button group- It gives user a choice between Grayscale (B/W) and Rainbow color palettes for the resulting map and histogram. More palettes will be added in future.





Country FIPS codes-

Usage example- Population-2000 of China where 46 is country ID code for China-

Pop00 if Country == 46
Map Options -> Use Log Scale = checked.
Use in both Equation and Integral inputs.


FIPS Country Area, km2 ID   FIPS Country Area, km2 ID
AFG Afghanistan 654581.6 1 LSO Lesotho 32284.9 126
ALB Albania 27958.1 2 LBR Liberia 95213.9 127
DZA Algeria 2328808.0 3 LBY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 1630110.0 128
AGO Angola 1251150.0 6 LTU Lithuania 66708.2 130
ARG Argentina 2783626.0 10 LUX Luxembourg 1997.3 131
ARM Armenia 30688.0 11 MKD Macedonia, Republic of 27728.5 133
AUS Australia 7702010.0 13 MDG Madagascar 591160.3 134
AUT Austria 83413.1 14 MWI Malawi 117332.0 135
AZE Azerbaijan 84929.0 15 MYS Malaysia 326831.3 136
BGD Bangladesh 132829.0 19 MLI Mali 1254710.0 138
BEL Belgium 33310.8 21 MRT Mauritania 1042563.0 143
BEN Benin 118824.3 23 MEX Mexico 1987708.0 146
BOL Bolivia 1088052.0 26 MDA Moldova 33650.3 148
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina 48862.0 27 MAR Morocco 409787.0 153
BWA Botswana 586165.1 28 MOZ Mozambique 797848.9 154
BRA Brazil 8532679.0 30 MMR Myanmar 679113.4 155
BRN Brunei Darussalam 6163.4 33 NAM Namibia 823019.4 156
BGR Bulgaria 106664.0 34 NPL Nepal 144278.2 158
BFA Burkina Faso 262731.1 35 NLD Netherlands 33956.9 160
BLR Belarus 207466.4 37 NZL New Zealand 269425.2 162
KHM Cambodia 186885.3 38 NIC Nicaragua 132602.0 163
CMR Cameroon 464024.7 39 NER Niger 1184367.0 164
CAN Canada 9960884.0 40 NGA Nigeria 913629.1 165
CHL Chile 749971.6 45 PRK North Korea 117925.1 168
CHN China (with Tibet) 9365543.0 46 NOR Norway 325914.7 170
COL Colombia 1151452.0 49 PAK Pakistan 871060.3 173
COG Congo  (Brazzaville) 336631.5 51 PAN Panama 73364.5 174
CRI Costa Rica 45655.0 53 PNG Papua New Guinea 439000.3 175
HRV Croatia 58851.0 54 PRY Paraguay,Brazil 400057.7 177
CUB Cuba 109151.9 55 PER Peru 1287014.0 178
CYP Cyprus 10128.8 56 PHL Philippines 268724.6 179
CZE Czech Republic 75936.5 57 POL Poland 316535.9 181
DNK Denmark 39721.8 58 PRT Portugal 95246.2 182
DOM Dominican Republic 43854.7 61 ROU Romania 241174.0 186
ECU Ecuador 265687.7 62 RUS Russian Federation 16838760.0 187
EGY Egypt 1000378.0 63 SAU Saudi Arabia 1961374.0 191
SLV El Salvador 18015.9 64 SEN Senegal 200632.7 192
ERI Eritrea 122246.5 66 SRB Serbia 95874.2 151
ETH Ethiopia 1135719.0 68 MNE Montenegro 193
FJI Fiji 11808.4 72 SLE Sierra Leone 76416.3 195
FIN Finland 329493.4 73 SVK Slovakia 48896.0 197
FRA France 545957.8 74 SVN Slovenia 21434.6 198
GUF French Guiana 83248.8 75 ZAF South Africa 1209581.0 201
GAB Gabon 259580.3 78 KOR South Korea 96841.7 203
GEO Georgia 68860.3 81 ESP Spain 503736.4 204
DEU Germany 361208.9 82 LKA Sri Lanka 64343.9 206
GHA Ghana 238658.0 83 SDN Sudan 2491526.0 212
GRC Greece 114796.1 86 SUR Suriname 151053.2 213
GTM Guatemala 115967.0 91 SWZ Swaziland 13814.0 215
GIN Guinea 243153.6 93 SWE Sweden 447576.6 216
GUY Guyana 203194.4 95 CHE Switzerland 33849.3 217
HTI Haiti 29244.5 96 SYR Syrian Arab Republic 179898.6 218
HND Honduras 119492.2 98 TJK Tajikistan 145088.5 220
HUN Hungary 94519.1 100 TZA Tanzania, United Republic of 930074.4 221
ISL Iceland 96643.8 101 THA Thailand 509266.3 222
IND India 3174635.0 102 TGO Togo 55012.2 223
IDN Indonesia 1840958.0 103 TTO Trinidad and Tobago 6079.0 226
IRN I. Rep. Iran 1615594.0 104 TUN Tunisia 150758.9 227
IRQ Iraq 437772.5 105 TUR Turkey 784835.9 228
IRL Ireland 70449.6 106 TKM Turkmenistan 472058.6 229
ITA Italy 291573.3 108 UGA Uganda 247162.3 232
CIV Ivory Coast 333821.7 109 UKR Ukraine 606102.3 233
JAM Jamaica 8807.3 110 GBR United Kingdom 236154.2 235
JPN Japan 363786.2 112 USA United States of America 9406303.0 236
JOR Jordan 89783.4 116 URY Uruguay 181864.9 237
KAZ Kazakhstan 2718303.0 118 UZB Uzbekistan 440368.1 238
KEN Kenya 577632.5 119 VEN Venezuela  (Bolivarian Republic of) 904155.0 240
KGZ Kyrgyzstan 194381.0 122 VNM Viet Nam 313284.5 241
LAO Laos 231196.0 123 COD Zaire 2348732.0 249
LVA Latvia 59161.9 124 ZMB Zambia 750969.0 250
LBN Lebanon 10265.9 125 ZWE Zimbabwe 394442.0 251


US State FIPS codes-

Usage example- Population-2000 of New Hampshire where 33 is state ID code for NH-

Pop00 if State == 33
Map Options -> Use Log Scale = checked.
Use in both Equation and Integral inputs.

FIPS State ID   FIPS State ID
AL Alabama 1 MT Montana 30
AK Alaska 2 NE Nebraska 31
AZ Arizona 4 NV Nevada 32
AR Arkansas 5 NH New Hampshire 33
CA California 6 NJ New Jersey 34
CO Colorado 8 NM New Mexico 35
CT Connecticut 9 NY New York 36
DE Delaware 10 NC North Carolina 37
DC District of Columbia 11 ND North Dakota 38
FL Florida 12 OH Ohio 39
GA Georgia 13 OK Oklahoma 40
HI Hawaii 15 OR Oregon 41
ID Idaho 16 PA Pennsylvania 42
IL Illinois 17 RI Rhode Island 44
IN Indiana 18 SC South Carolina 45
IA Iowa 19 SD South Dakota 46
KS Kansas 20 TN Tennessee 47
KY Kentucky 21 TX Texas 48
LA Louisiana 22 UT Utah 49
ME Maine 23 VT Vermont 50
MD Maryland 24 VA Virginia 51
MA Massachusetts 25 WA Washington 53
MI Michigan 26 WV West Virginia 54
MN Minnesota 27 WI Wisconsin 55
MS Mississippi 28 WY Wyoming 56
MO Missouri 29      


River Basin codes-

River (Watershed) Basins only with area over 100,000 km2 are referenced in the table below (about 150 basins). Total number of basins in RiverB dataset is over 10,000. So other basin IDs could be found by mouse over data reading on the main map above the Calculator.

 Usage example- Population-2000 in Indus Basin where 26 is this basin ID code-

Pop00 if RiverB == 26
Map Options -> Use Log Scale = checked.
Use in both Equation and Integral inputs.

ID Basin Name Basin Length,
Basin Area,
Continent Sea Ocean
1 Amazon 5,041 5,993,746 South America Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
2 Zaire 4,949 3,709,316 Africa Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
3 Mississippi 4,750 3,231,620 North America Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
4 Nile 6,238 3,076,904 Africa Mediterranean Sea Mediterranean
5 Parana 2,922 2,717,458 South America Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
6 Ob 4,092 2,525,457 Asia Kara Sea Arctic Ocean
7 Yenisei 5,115 2,516,145 Asia Kara Sea Arctic Ocean
8 Niger 3,090 2,509,111 Africa Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
9 Lena 4,634 2,457,938 Asia Laptev Sea Arctic Ocean
10 Amur 4,401 1,989,248 Asia Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean
11 Chang Jiang 5,094 1,920,851 Asia Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean
12 Mackenzie 3,858 1,757,521 North America Beaufort Sea Arctic Ocean
13 Volga 3,321 1,403,367 Europe Caspian Sea Land
14 Zambezi 2,738 1,384,443 Africa Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
15 Araye 2,235 1,200,583 Africa Mediterranean Sea Mediterranean
16 Bode le Depression 1,922 1,107,307 Africa Mediterranean Sea Mediterranean
17 Nelson 2,057 1,106,634 North America Hudson Bay Atlantic Ocean
18 St. Lawrence 2,647 1,034,644 North America Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
19 Irharhar 2,203 950,763 Africa Mediterranean Sea Mediterranean
20 Ganges 2,064 948,029 Asia Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
22 Orange 1,926 914,052 Africa Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
23 Shatt el Arab 2,548 878,926 Asia Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
24 Orinoco 2,278 837,669 South America Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
25 Yukon 3,123 820,635 North America Bering Strait Pacific Ocean
26 Indus 2,837 816,843 Asia Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
27 Huang He 4,603 814,942 Asia Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean
28 Danube 2,535 787,517 Europe Black Sea Mediterranean
29 Mekong 4,308 770,627 Asia Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean
30 Tocantins 2,322 767,948 South America Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
31 Amu-Darya 2,249 686,621 Asia Aral Sea Land
32 Colorado (Arizona) 2,015 678,874 North America Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean
33 Columbia 1,755 666,063 North America Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean
34 Kolyma 2,313 656,201 Asia East Siberian Sea Arctic Ocean
35 Okavango 1,763 646,759 Africa Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
38 Sao Francisco 2,487 621,193 South America Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
40 Syr-Darya 1,656 546,701 Asia Aral Sea Land
41 Jubba 1,173 533,627 Africa Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
43 Dnepr 1,568 507,131 Europe Black Sea Mediterranean
44 Rio Grande (US) 2,342 500,757 North America Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
45 Senegal 1,341 434,745 Africa Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
46 Don 1,502 430,896 Europe Black Sea Mediterranean
47 Volta 1,665 418,951 Africa Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
48 Limpopo 1,358 415,608 Africa Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
49 Ruo Dong 1,076 408,120 Asia Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean
50 Zhujiang 1,855 405,470 Asia Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean
51 Irrawaddy 1,876 391,740 Asia Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
52 Dvina 1,497 362,840 Europe Barents Sea Arctic Ocean
54 Qattara 1,244 344,879 Africa Mediterranean Sea Mediterranean
55 Farah 1,342 339,224 Asia Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
56 Parnaiba 1,228 331,719 South America Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
57 Indigirka 1,632 326,534 Asia East Siberian Sea Arctic Ocean
58 Pechora 1,289 316,364 Europe Barents Sea Arctic Ocean
59 Godavari 1,235 311,550 Asia Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
62 Churchill (Hudson Bay) 1,762 301,987 North America Hudson Bay Atlantic Ocean
63 Khatanga 1,422 301,076 Asia Laptev Sea Arctic Ocean
64 Colorado (Argentina) 1,567 292,966 South America Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
65 Tamanrasett 1,086 292,526 Africa Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
66 Neva 879 283,390 Europe Baltic Sea Atlantic Ocean
68 Krishna 1,186 278,706 Asia Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
70 Urugay 1,451 263,637 South America Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
72 Baker 1,190 259,955 North America Arctic Archipelago Arctic Ocean
73 Salado 1,073 259,717 South America Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
75 Taz 1,069 252,531 Asia Kara Sea Arctic Ocean
77 Ural 1,580 250,384 Asia Caspian Sea Land
79 Yana 1,078 234,000 Asia Laptev Sea Arctic Ocean
80 Fraser 1,130 230,327 North America Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean
82 Ogooue 897 219,915 Africa Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
84 Liao 1,075 211,216 Asia Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean
86 Rufiji 846 205,324 Africa Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
88 Lake Rudolf 743 201,063 Africa Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
90 Wisla 995 193,610 Europe Baltic Sea Atlantic Ocean
91 Kura 980 188,678 Asia Caspian Sea Land
92 Rhine 1,120 186,089 Europe North Sea Atlantic Ocean
93 Great Artesian Basin 1,018 185,289 Australia Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
94 Anadyr 893 185,159 Asia Bering Strait Pacific Ocean
96 Pyasina 1,112 178,294 Asia Kara Sea Arctic Ocean
97 Jaji 936 176,606 Asia Caspian Sea Land
98 Shur 516 172,048 Asia Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
100 Chao Phraya 936 169,359 Asia Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean
102 Magdalena 1,082 165,961 South America Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
107 Sanaga 848 161,140 Africa Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
108 Roviuna 887 155,507 Africa Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
109 Grande de Santiago 886 154,131 North America Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean
110 San Joaquin 754 153,601 North America Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean
114 Tarim 972 150,750 Asia Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
115 Hong 946 150,411 Asia Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean
116 Koksoak 838 145,292 North America Hudson Strait Atlantic Ocean
117 Elbe 964 141,891 Europe North Sea Atlantic Ocean
118 Cuanza 957 141,620 Africa Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
120 Lake Balkhash 737 138,110 Asia Aral Sea Land
121 Hai Ho 659 137,524 Asia Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean
122 Albany 1,052 136,777 North America Hudson Bay Atlantic Ocean
123 Taymyr 716 134,328 Australia Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
124 Mahanadi 910 132,386 Asia Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
125 Brazos 1,291 125,502 North America Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
126 Emba 681 125,431 Asia Caspian Sea Land
129 Usumacinta 614 123,933 North America Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
130 Odra 782 120,616 Europe Baltic Sea Atlantic Ocean
132 Kuskowin 893 118,096 North America Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean
134 Loire 836 117,327 Europe Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
135 Taymyra 768 116,466 Asia Kara Sea Arctic Ocean
136 Nottaway 668 115,246 North America Hudson Bay Atlantic Ocean
139 Alabama 707 113,612 North America Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
140 La Grande 808 112,771 North America Hudson Bay Atlantic Ocean
141 Flinders 755 111,534 Australia Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
142 Cunene 998 111,236 Africa Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
143 Colorado 1,108 110,562 North America Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
145 Moose 545 110,339 North America Hudson Bay Atlantic Ocean
146 Balsas 657 110,019 North America Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean
148 Save 740 108,204 Africa Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
149 Churchill 811 106,419 North America Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
151 Hayes 566 103,742 North America Hudson Bay Atlantic Ocean


Continent codes-

 Usage example- Population-2000 in Africa where 1 is its ID code-

Pop00 if Cont == 1
Map Options -> Use Log Scale = checked.
Use in both Equation and Integral inputs.

ID (Sub) Continent Name
0 Africa
1 Antarctica
2 Asia
3 Australia
4 Europe
5 Greenland
6 Indonesia
7 New Zealand
8 North America
9 Oceans
10 Papua New Guinea
11 South America
12 Indonesia


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